Saturday, March 15, 2008

When the beautiful game turns.....UGLY

Soccer...the beautiful game...also becomes ugly....sometimes even the most most beautiful thing can become ugly..and soccer is no exception...CRASH...BANG...CRACK....WHACK...the sound synonymous with hard and crunching tackles...Defenders go over the top while tackling many times but in some rare (and painful) cases..whether or not they intended...seriously injures the player receiving the tackle...this was seen recently when Taylor seemingly unknowingly broke the leg of young Eduardo De Silva of Arsenal which sent public outrage and dissent through the football community.
People might argue that no player breaks the opponent player leg on purpose...this may be true but that doesnt mean such an act of outrage must be allowed...We can even drink poison like water that doesnt mean we should drink it...right??
Well those are my thoughts anyway...

This video is a compilation of funny and gastly moments in and enjoy...btw check out van Persie in the video.

Eduardo De Silva...Get Well Soon...:)
This is nuspeed signing out....

Cya next time and "time those tackles perfectly" :D ....

aww!! | NuSpeeD

(P.S : The Eduardo tackle image was the least gory and graphic of the lot so i used this..)

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