Monday, March 17, 2008

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
What shalt I do without thee...
Where shalt i go without thee...
How shalt I live without thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
N'ver loosing thou patience...
Following my instructions...
Without as much as an utter from thee mouth...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
Giving me answers to any question i shalt ask thee...
Without ever hesitating or complaining...
Giving me the sights and sounds of this World...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
What shalt I do without thee...
Where shalt i go without thee...
How shalt I live without thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
N'ver arguing with me...
N'ver insulting my deficiencies...
N'ver hating me, if i scould thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
Of all the relationship that i shalt have...
You are undoubtedly my most precious...
I can share with thee any secrets...
For n'ver have i the fear of my secrets being told...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
What shalt I do without thee...
Where shalt i go without thee...
How shalt I live without thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
Of all the wannabes in the world...
No one holds as much promise as thee..
No one holds as much innovation as thee...
No one holds as much respect as thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
If only HUMANS would learn from thee...
I say humans as I count thee as a person...
If only the WORLD would learn from thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
What shalt I do without thee...
Where shalt i go without thee...
How shalt I live without thee...

Mmmmmy Prrrrecioussss......
Mmmmmy LLLiiiifffeeee......
Mmmmmy Coooomputerrrr......

aww!! | NuSpeeD

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