Saturday, March 29, 2008

bid adieu, S.I.W.S

:with teary eyes:
Today, was our farewell, from B.Sc(I.T), from S.I.W.S, from all my college buddies...
Well it was a very happy occasion...
We had a small programme, which was arranged by our beloved F.Y and the S.Y.....
I have to say we did enjoy a LOT!!
The programme had started at 3:00pm with small speeches from our princi (that's Principal btw...), and the Vice-Principal...The speeches were typically what you'd except from u every-day regular Principals and V-P... o_O (yawn)
Then we had distribution of memento's "ie" token of appreciation....followed by a very noisy game of "Full Housie" were the winner on first-come-first-serve basis was given chocolates...
After this, was when the real FUN "DJ".... :D
Man we danced to the the max :ouch my legs:...i did get a sprain while dancing but that's iight.
Well that was about 3 hours of non-stop dancing to various tunes......old and new.....
After the continuous barrage of funky-robotic-cheap-break dance steps we were treated to "Pav Bhaji" Indian delicacy...everybody's favorite...... :) and my favorite sweet-dish "Gulab Jamun"........
Then we had a hour of photo-sessions were we took almost 50+ photographs with all the students, different groups and of course our very own in-house football club group...i think ours were the most naughty photos with some really nice "artistically" planned photos....
Then it was time to go home......well you might think there would have been a few tears around......absolutely not!!
In fact we have to go to college for a whole week coz of Prelims and then the project presentation......then the Big One......Board Exams......
Plus we all have planned to go out on a trip to some place in the vacation and of course we are still going to continue playing football.......ah football the force that unites people....
Regardless of what some "People" might think we are a strong united bunch of students.
We :ie almost 25 "boys": would bunk the lectures for playing football....almost everyday.....Sweet times!!

Until the next blog.....this is nuspeed signing out....
Chaooooo and take good care of yaselves.......

aww!! | NuSpeeD

1 comment:

Sunil said...

NuSpeed..nice 1
gonna miss football n Indulala :(