Sunday, January 4, 2009

Too Much to do, Too little time!

Have u ever had this feeling that, the way your life's going, you havent achieved anything yet? Have ever thought what a waste of a life i'm living!? HAve you ever thought i can do a lot more with my life, i can make it much more satisfying, i can make it much more challenging?! Have you ever thought any of those thing!?

Well, if you have, welcome to the club!!
Thats because i think of these EVERY SINGLE DAY of my life!
Oh, dont get me wrong, i like my life, i wouldnt have it anyother way, but i'd like to LIVE more, you know...

There are so many damn things that i'd like to do, that i'd have to live 5 or 5 lives just to fulfill all of my cravings......

Here is a dump of all the "processes" that are in "queue" in my "memory"!!
I'd like to see all the wonders of the world.
I'd like to see all the important monuments of the world.
I'd like to see all the beautiful beaches of the world.
I'd like to stay at all the great hotels of the world.
I;d like to drive all the greatest cars in the world.
I'd like to like to be an astronaut and explore the cosmos.
>>The Cosmos for me is the most intriguing thing in the universe (of course!) i think about it 24x7.
>>I think about how did the life of the universe span out that we were created from a huge blast "The Big Bang"
>>I think what is our journey, where is it going to take us, what have we done right, what have we done wrong.
>>What is the fate of the human race, what is the fate of our once beautiful planet called "Earth".
>>Are there truly other life forms in the universe?
>>There are millions of galaxies and billions of planets in the entire universe, it seems kinda hard to believe that WE are the ONLY life forms in the ENTIRE universe!!
>>The odds just dont fit in, its just not possible, the probability suggests there ARE other life forms.
>>We are so far away, that we might have detected them, and the rate at which the universe is expanding, we might never see them.
moving on.......
I'd like to visit all the adventure "zones" in the world.
I'd like to go to Madagascar and SEE the WILD.
i'd like to go skin-diving and feed a Great White Shark.
I'd like to touch a Nile Crocodile, The King Cobra and all the dangerous animals in the world.
I'd like to live long enough to see the World transform into the universe depicted in the "Star Wars".
I'd like to DRIVE in the Sky in the future.
I'd like to travel through time and space i.e Teleport and Time-travel.
I'd like to fly all the great fighter planes like F-22 Raptor or the MiG.
>>The one thing that i always thought of was how the humans lived in stone age, how they evolved from chimps...
>>Oh how i woulda loved to see dinosaurs!!
I'd like to do all the adventure sports there are like base jumping, sky-diving etc

I just wanna do everything that i can, everything that is possible and everything that is impossible like Actually witnessing the end of the Universe, i'd like to see what happens when the sun dims out!! Seems stupid and dumb, i know but cant do anything about it!!

I agree many or most of the things that i've mentioned and many of those things that i havent are impossible, but that doesnt stop me from dreaming about them at night, i must tell you the cosmos is a beautiful place!!! LOL

Theres just toooo much to do but not enough time and face it not enough money!! huhuhu

I want to do too much in this short life span, i'd be a happy soul when i look back and check at atleast some of those things that i want to do........

Until next time this is nuspeed dreaming more impossible shit up!!

PS: oh i forgot, i'd also like to go to the moon, mars

PSS:I'd like to become a game developer, an environmentalist, astrophysicist, biochemist, software developer, great sportsmen, astronaut lol !!!!!

PPPS: Still the list isnt complete, damn! M loosing my mind here!!

Cya and take good care of yaselves!!!
nuspeed out.......

aww!!! | NuSpeeD


rags said...

this is why games r there do things virtually wot we can't do in reality :P

Norbert said...

Hi Sundeep,

Last year you had blogged about our campaign to fight for the survival of Olive Ridleys in the wake of the Tata's new port at Dhamra. Could you please email me? I'll let you know what we're planning to do and how you can help us.
