Monday, May 19, 2008

Running outta IDEAS!!!!

Has my brain become so damn redundant that i cant think of a single topic for my blog post???
What the hell has happened to my brain power???
Why cant i dream up a blog post??
I seem to know a lot of stuff, then why is it that i cant concentrate all that knowledge???
Has my Grey matter diminished some what???
Is this the beginning of the end??
I hope not.....

I promise i will return invigorated with new and exciting new topics.....
I got the power!!!

until next time this is nuspeed burnin up the grey matter in my brain....
cyaa and take care.........

aww!! | NuSpeeD

1 comment:

Parinita said...

Oh believe me, it happens. The dreaded writer's block. There was this point where I was desperate to write something, anything but I had virtually no topics I could blog on. It lasted for sometime then I went on a blog writing spree. So it's definitely not the beginning of the end. Hope your writer's block goes away soon.